Short description
simple knockout with hygromycin resistence cassette for subsequent recycling
Khrunyk et al. 2010, New Phytologist 187: 957–968 <a class="external-link-new-window" title="externer Link in neuem Fenster" href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20673282">PubMed</a>
Yuliya Khrunyk and Regine Kahmann, Max Planck Institute Marburg
! For the recycling of the resistance marker the plasmid <a class="internal-link" title="interner Link" href="t3://page?uid=33542">pFLPexpC</a> is needed! Lab ID: pUMa1442 (short hyg promoter version), Publication ID pHFRTm1 (mutated FRT site), this plasmid was not developed in our lab
<a title="TEXT, p MF1-1hs2, pMF1-1hs2.txt, 6.9 KB" href="t3://file?uid=19252">Sequence</a>