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Willkommen am Institut für Mikrobiologie

Willkommen am Institut für Mikrobiologie

Willkommen am Institut für Mikrobiologie

We are happy to be part of the research group FOR 5116 "exRNA: Communication between plants and microbes through extracellular RNA", funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), that has just been granted a further funding period! The project, led by the University of Hamburg, is located at the interface between agricultural sciences and biology. Read more here (in German only)


Congratulations to Summia and Gabriel from Veras and Florians lab!

We are thrilled to announce the recent publication of their manuscript titled "Jasmonic acid signalling is targeted by a smut fungal Tin2-fold effector" on bioRxiv. Read more about the joined effort from the two labs here.

Participation in the Promotionsfeier of the University

On Friday, 13th of July, people from our Institute participated in the organization of the graduation party of the University. Thanks to the great team!

Farewell Vera! After more than 10 years as a group leader at the Institute of Microbiology, Vera is now starting as a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.

We will miss you and wish you a good start and lots of fun and success with your new challenge in Darmstadt!


Foto von

Prof. Dr. Michael Feldbrügge
Institutsleitung +49 211 81-15475

Foto von

Carola Leitsch
Sekretariat +49 211 81-14720
