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Ustilago research community

As a service to all scientist that are currently studying or planning to study Ustilago maydis we offer

Technical advances:

  • 23.10.2013: AG Feldbrügge: Our new plasmid collection with Golden Gate compatible vectors for the genetic manipulation of U. maydis is coming soon!
  • 03.04.2012: M. Feldbrügge: for selection using geneticin (G418) we use G418 sulfate (Merck/Calbiochem, catalogue #345810), 50 mg/ml stock solution dissolved in water (store at -20°C), final concentration = 500 µg/ml.
  • 27.09.2011: Dr. A. Djamei from Dr. R. Kahmann’s group at the MPI for terrestrial Microbiology announces the generation of gateway vectors for expression in U. maydis, S. cerevisiae and corn. Please contact him directly for further details: djamei at mpi-marburg.mpg.de

Relevant publications for the plasmid collection

  • Original SfiI gene knock out (Kämper 2004, Mol Gen Genomics 271: 103-110)  PubMed
  • SfiI gene replacement system (Brachmann et al. 2004, Mol Gen Genomics 272: 216-226)  PubMed
  • Tetracyclin-regulated gene expression (Zarnack et al. 2006, Fungal Genet Biol 43: 727-738)  PubMed
  • C-terminal fusion with eGfp, mRfp, eGfp-TapTag (Becht et al. 2006, J. Cell Sci. 119: 4964-4973)  PubMed
  • C-terminal fusion with mCherry and triple Myc-epitope tag (König et al. 2009, EMBO J. 28: 1855-1866)  PubMed
  • FLP-mediated recombination for recycling of resistance cassettes (Khrunyk et al. 2010, New Phytologist 187: 957–968)  PubMed
  • Simple knock out with geneticin resistance cassette, C-terminal fusion with triple HA-epitope tag (Baumann et al. 2012, J. Cell Sci. doi:10.1242/jcs.101212)  PubMed
  • Golden Gate cloning adapted gene replacement system (Terfrüchte et al. 2014, Fungal Genet. Biol. 62:1-10) PubMed

Rules of the game for the plasmid collection

According to your own choice you can achieve different status in our system:

  • Colleague: All published material will be send to you upon request
  • Participating Colleague: You obtain a plasmid from the published collection and send us back a missing plasmid with e.g. a different resistance cassette. You will obtain unpublished material.
  • Friend: You collaborate with us to establish new plasmids. You will obtain even more unpublished material.
  • Real friend: You send us your unpublished material.