18.07.2023: Seomun Kwon organized a session on "RNA-mediated interactions and crop protection strategies" at the MPMI meeting in Providence, Rhode Island. Great talks and great discussions!
12.05.2023: Summia Gul passed her Ph.D. exam.
17.03.2023:Senthil Kumar Devan passed his Ph.D. exam.
09.01.2021: A method to genetically engineer the smut fungus Thecaphora thlaspeos was established by the group of Vera Göhre and is now published by Plücker and Bösch et al. in the special issue on smut fungi in the Journal of Fungi.
17.11.2020: Rab attack established the transformation protocol for Thecaphora thlaspeos. It can be found at bioRxiv
05.11.2020: As part of her Habiliation, Vera Göhre gives a presentation on the topic „Pilze im Weltraum: Chancen und Risiken für die bemannte Raumfahrt“
30.10.2020: A brand new third edition of “The Mycota – Genetics and Biotechnology” edited by J. Philipp Benz and Kerstin Schipper was released. LINK
26.10.2020: Jungho Lee passed his Ph.D. exam
24.09.2020: Peter Stoffels passed his Ph.D. exam
07.08.2020: Kira Müntjes passed her Ph.D. exam
19.06.2020: Michèle Reindl passed her Ph.D. exam
24.01.2020: Lilli Olgeiser passed her Ph.D. exam
22.11.2019: Second phase for CRC1208 was granted by the DFG
21.11.2019: Michael Feldbrügge was ellected in the DFG Fachkollegium Stoffwechselphysiologie, Biochemie und Genetik der Mikroorganismen
24.10.2019 A special issue on unconventional protein secretion with K. Schipper as a co-editor has been released in BBA Proteins and Proteomics
26.09.2019: Silke Jankowski passed her Ph.D. exam
16.09.2019: Die neue Version der Homepage FOR2333 is online
14.08.2019: Vera Göhre hat erfolgreich das NRW-Zertifikatsprogramm „Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule“ abgeschlossen.
17.06.2019: Jörn Aschenbroich passed his Ph.D. exam
17.03.2019: Senthil Kumar Devan received the poster prize of the VAAM meeting in Mainz
18.02.2019: Rab attack published the genome and initial effector characterization of Thecaphora thlaspeos.It is now online at New Phytologist
01.03.2017: The publication on the novel smut fungus Thecaphora thlaspeos by Frantzeskakis, Courville et al. is now online LINK
12.01.2017: Marius Terfrüchte passed his Ph. D. exam
01.01.2017: Wolf Frommer will become our new neighbor at the institute
01.12.2016: Two new BioSC focus labs were granted for the next three years
29.09.2016: Sabrina Zander passed her Ph. D. exam
16.08.2016: Lamprinos Frantzeskakis passed his Ph. D. exam
15.03.2016: The movie publication by Bösch, Franzeskakis et al. on Ustilago maydis strain generation has been accepted by JoVE. LINK
04.01.2016: Michael Feldbrügge was elected council member of the Mathematics and Life Sciences faculty 19.11.2015: Proposed SFB1208 "Identity and Dynamics of Membrane Systems - from Molecules to Cellular Functions" is approved. Congratulations to Eva Nowack, Kerstin Schipper and Michael Feldbrügge and all other participating groups.
11.03.2013: 6th International Ustilago Conference in Asilomar California
06.03.2013: 107th International Titisee Conference on RNA transport sponsered by Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds
13.02.2013:Annual retreat of the CLIB graduate school in Lünen
07.12.2012: Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Sebastian Baumann hat ein Reisestipendium für die Fungal Genetics Conference in Asilomar, Californien erhalten
05.12.2012: Herzlichen Glückwunsch, unsere Master-Studierenden Silke Jankowski und Marius Terfrüchte haben bei dem HHUD-Förderprogramm "Chancen nutzen" ein Stipendium erhalten
20.11.2012: Das Mastermodul M4405 "Mikrobiologie" findet vom 3.12.2012 bis 1.2.2013 statt.
16.-18.10.2012: European Industrial Biotechnology 2012 meeting Ddorf
08.-20.10.2012: Modul V404 general microbiology
07.-10.10.2012: EMBO meeting "complex life of mRNA", Heidelberg
04-07.10.2012: RNA biochemistry meeting in Bonn
20.-24.09.2012: Sino-German Exchange Meeting on plant stress in Beijing
10.-12.09.2012: Joined retreat of iGrad Plant and Graduate School Würzburg
23.-24.08.2012: Internal retreat of CLIB graduate school in Mülheim